Contacts and Booking
To ask for any kind of information, you can phone to one of the following number:
Tel./Fax : + 39 0588 66085
Cellulare : + 39 348 7386848
Or write an e-mail to the following address:
You may book by e-mail, fax or phone (we speak german and french). The reservation will be only valid on receipt of a deposit of 40 % of the price (without charge for us) of your stay:
Payment on-line with credit card
Bank Transfer:
Account holder: Balzarotti Ambrogio
CASSA DI RISPARMIO DI FIRENZE - Piazza S.Anna, 2 - 56045 Pomarance (PISA)
IBAN: IT51 S030 6971 1130 0000 0005 900